Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Christianity is a marvelous religion. There are five truths about it that are worth mentioning:

  1. It's known for its timelessness of ideas
  2. It's eternal concepts greet believers
  3. God shows his all-encompassing nature
  4. He reveals his interconnectedness of creation
  5. Humankind is shown to have natural limitations

Timelessness of Ideas

Throughout the millennium of our existence many such notions have evolved that are traditionally and culturally bound. From age to age these ideas have come down from oral traditions and are now part of our world's literature. Speaking about timelessness Paul Rand (1914 – 1996), an American art director and graphic designer wrote that “the principal role of a logo is to identify, and simplicity is its means … Its effectiveness depends on distinctiveness, visibility, adaptability, memorability, universality, and timelessness.” Inevitably Rand although he was referring to graphics touched on the vital characteristics of Christianity which have lasted for ages.

Eternal Concepts

In all cultures there's a belief in an eternal existence. From the beginning of time people of different faith traditions debated and expressed confidence in this reality. Christianity stands out prominently as one of these faiths where our creator is worshiped and adored. Clearly the promise of living in an afterlife is also central to this faith. In Jesus Christ – the son of God, our greatest teacher who died on the cross at Calvary rests our eternal hope. Henry Adams (1838 – 1918), and American historian and member of the Adams political family reminded us that “a teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops.” Undoubtedly, Jesus was the premiere teacher of all of us and his life's history and teachings are vividly recorded in the Gospels.

God's All-Encompassing Nature

Christian religious leaders point to the omnipresence of God. Jesus Christ is part of the Trinity and a monotheistic God. Because of him Christians can deduct according to Albert Pike (1809 -1891), an attorney, writer, soldier and Freemason that “one man is equivalent to all Creation. One man is the World in miniature.” Interestingly, it was sin that came into the world through Adam and Eve when they both ate the fruit in the Garden of Eden. To this day as their descendants we continue to be affected by their defiance. Then it was Jesus Christ - the new Adam, who later became the pioneer of our salvation.

Interconnectedness of Creation

There are linkages all around us that clearly show our interconnectedness to all living and non-living entities. These matters will appear simple but still they are complex. Just image the existence of energy fields, the air we breathe, the waters we drink that sustain us, and our relationships with all other animals, creatures, insects, and plants. Let us celebrate being a part of the solar systems and galaxies which are vital to our lives and existence. What a wonderful God who has brought into existence the elements, the landscapes of the earth - mountains, valleys, seas, oceans and rivers, and put our unique ecological systems in place.

Limitations of Humankind

Humans are infinite beings who are very much unlike our creator who's infinite in every way. Our minds are therefore limited. Those individuals that depend only on their logical minds in making decisions are considered rather foolish by many theologians. Nikola Tesla (1856 – 1943), a Serbian American inventor, mechanical engineer and futurist explained that “it is paradoxical, yet true, to say, that the more we know, the more ignorant we become in the absolute sense, for it is only through enlightenment that we become conscious of our limitations. Precisely one of the more gratifying results of intellectual revolution is the continuous opening up of new and greater prospects.” It's clear that many men and women tend to stress their minds as the primarily seats of knowledge and learning, but God looks at what's in our hearts. This is how the Bible reveals that God bases His knowledge of us in determining the conditions of our souls concerning if we'll be fit for his eternal blessings in heaven.

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